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Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych Pudełek Iłowa
Welcome to the gardening center
In 2003 we purchased land for our new nursery PUDEŁEK - IŁOWA with an area of about 40 hectares which was previously the State Agricultural Farm. Iłowa, located near Żar and Żagań, was an ideal place to establish a new nursery although the land was very neglected. The outbuildings and the manor house were in ruins and the surrounding area was overgrown with weeds and young trees. However our choice wasn’t a chance decision as the soil in this area is light, fertile and it’s pH value is low. All these factors creates favourable conditions for the cultivation of heater-like plants, Rhododendrons and Azaleas. The fact that our nursery is situated close to A18 motorway Berlin –Wrocław is another advantage. Currently, the nursery occupies 12 hectares of land where Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Japanese Azaleas, Blueberries, coniferous and deciduous plants grow in plastic containers with a capacity of 1.5 to 150 litres and in the ground.
We invite you to visit our nursery and familiarize with our offer.
Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych
Contact us
ul. Żaków 8a
68-120 Iłowa
tel. + 48 603 300 883
Contact us
ul. Żaków 8a
68-120 Iłowa
tel. + 48 603 300 883